Friday, November 20, 2009

2 Week Check-up

Wow, where have the past two weeks gone? Yesterday morning Taryn had her two week check-up with her pediatrician. We love Dr. Robert already and this was only our second visit (thanks Lisa for finding him and giving us the recommendation)! He's so great with Taryn and usually answers all of our questions before we even have a chance to ask. She fussed a little when she was getting measured and checked over but for the most part she was a well-behaved little girl. She doesn't like having her clothes off but as soon as he swaddled her up she immediately calmed down. I guess when you work with babies all day long you pick up some tricks...sometimes I wish we had some of his Baby Whisperer tricks at home!

We're so proud of Taryn because she's gaining weight and growing so fast! When we left the hospital she weighed 6lbs 6oz and they had us a little concerned that we needed to make sure she was eating enough and gaining because otherwise we'd need to supplement with formula. No need for that because she's put on a whole pound in just two weeks! When else in your life can you be so excited about gaining weight?!?! Here's a breakdown of her stats:

Weight: 7lbs, 6oz (35%)
Height: 20 inches (25%)
Head: 14 1/4 cm (55%)

We know already she's a smart one which is why her head is a little bigger than the rest of her :)

We haven't taken any pictures this week but here's a quick snapshot of her snoozing in her bouncy seat tonight. Can you believe how much she's already changing??

1 comment:

  1. Taryn - I love your blog! You are a gorgeous little girl, and I can't wait to watch you grow!
