Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey Day & Black Friday

Every year it seems we are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for. We know all our blessings come from Him and this year we had even more to celebrate on Thanksgiving. We have a healthy, beautiful baby girl which is the biggest gift!

We had a great Turkey Day 2009 at my parents, Meme and Gramps. We were spoiled and didn't have to bring anything except Taryn! My mom cooked a delicious meal and as usual the desserts were my favorite! Next year Taryn and I will be in full swing to make some treats. We even had to take a picture of dessert to send to Aunt Tiff since they couldn't make it up this year (we missed them tons)! Evan's dad made the trip out from Ruidoso, NM to spend the holiday week with us. This was only his second time to Dallas and it was great to have him here for a few days, especially since he got to meet his first Granddaughter! Taryn pretty much slept away her entire 1st Thanksgiving. In a way it was kind of a blessing because because we were all able to sit down to eat together and no one had to attempt to bounce her bouncy seat while eating (much harder than it sounds) and trying to keep her happy. I thought for sure she'd wake up when we were done to get me out of doing the dishes and cleaning up but nope, she slept right on through dessert too!

Our first Thanksgiving as a family

Mommy, Taryn and Meme

Gramps, Daddy, Taryn and Grandpa Robert

Thanksgiving Dessert - Pumpkin Cake, Pecan Pie and Chocolate Pie

The past few years we've always gone Black Friday shopping, not the 4am shopping at Best Buy or anything crazy like that but 10am usually at the mall and a few other places. I wasn't sure I would go out at all and if I did I planned to leave Taryn at home with Evan so I could get a few things done. I was also afraid of a repeat of our last trip to the mall! I was talking to my mom on Friday morning and she thought it'd be fun if she came over and the 3 girls ventured out for shopping together. It was a GREAT day and Taryn redeemed herself by doing so well in the stroller. I wouldn't have done it by myself but with my mom's help we got lots of shopping done and had tons of fun at the same time! Hopefully she'll be a bargain shopper like her mom before we know it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Taryn allowed you to have some fun shopping time with your mom. You deserve it!
