Thursday, February 4, 2010

3 Months Old

On Tuesday Taryn turned 3 months old! We celebrated with an afternoon of shopping and dinner at Meme and Gramps' house. We also marked this milestone by deciding that Taryn had officially outgrown her newborn diapers. (I'll let you guess how we came to this conclusion but I'll give you a hint by saying that Oxy Clean does wonders are baby stains!) I attempted to weigh her on my kitchen scale but that didn't work out like I envisioned. So I'm not exactly sure how much she weighs but I would guess somewhere around 10lbs. She's still wearing a few newborn clothes since a lot of her 0-3 month clothes hang off her skinny waist. Hopefully soon she'll be able to wear her cute little blue jeans!

I keep saying this but we really can't believe how fast the time has flown. I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. At 3 months old she is smiling so much, especially when anyone new talks to her. We love seeing that gummy smile! She still loves her pacifier but lately we'll see her sucking on her bottom lip and putting the blanket in her mouth. And don't judge me as a bad parent but I really think she likes tv! It must be all the colors and movement that keeps her attention. We don't let her sit and stare at it but this morning I did stick her bouncer in front of The Today Show while I showered. Kathy Lee and Hoda had at least one viewer! So here are a few pictures from an attempted 3 month photo shoot!

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...