Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Trip to the Movies

Today was a big day for Taryn, she got to go to her first movie at the theater! I took her to the "Cry Baby Matinee" at the Angelika to see "Up in the Air". I'd been wanting to see this movie since it has lots of American Airlines stuff in it and my department helped with some of the promotions surrounding the release of the movie. My mom usually plays bridge on Thursday afternoons but this week they happened to play on Wednesday so she was able to join us which was great. Taryn did really good in the movie but she stayed awake until the last 5 minutes when she finally crashed out (funny how it always works that way). Even though she was awake she mostly sat in her car seat while I rocked her...she must like George Clooney. She loves to kick her legs around like she's tap dancing so she kept herself entertained. I think we'll definitely try to go again before I head back to work in a few weeks!

After we got home Evan was feeling left out so we took advantage of the nice weather and went for a family walk at the park. We even found a stray little dog and called the owner to come get her. What a great day!

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